What this blog is:

All right, this is the first time I've ever had a blog, but I had to do this for a class and so I thought,

why not have fun with it? Doctor Axon is obviously not my real name, I just like it (my actual 

name is Johnathan Martin). The name itself is from an online video game I played (City of 

Heroes to be exact). I consider myself a bit of a mad scientist. To me there is a very big 

distinction between "mad science" or "wierd science" and "evil science". I am not an Evil scientist, 

that is the domain of lobotomies and other things which are why I got out of the field of 

psychology (that and it was extremely depressing and had few job prospects). Mad science on the 

other hand is what people used to write about in the pulp serials. It is Marvel Comics and DC 

Comics. It is Star Trek.

    This is of course science fiction, but many concepts are slowly becoming science fact (cloning 

for example was considered all but impossible when I was a teenager). I am a futurist, which 

means I think a lot about the future, and how we can improve it. I also am a transhumanist, which 

means that I believe in order for humanity to survive in any recognizable state we will eventually 

have to take control over our own bodies, be it through genetics or otherwise. That conviction has 

only become stronger the more I learn about the human body and evolution. The latter, evolution, 

is the college course this blog was set up for, which is why most of the blog entries will pertain to 

a class that I had that day. I hope anyone who reads this finds it at least a little bit enjoyable, and 

above all I hope some of my enthusiasm for the hope and wonder that science brings will rub off 

on the reader.
