Types of Selection (I hope this works)

So, today for the blog we are supposed to talk about the types of selection, as well as begin introducing what we want to do for our project. I decided to try making a "choose your own adventure" kind of thing, but I may have to pay for a subscription to the site I found that makes it easier to do this.As a result, the following link may or may not work. If it doesn't, I will get it running in the next few days:

Selection Choose Your Own Adventure!

As for selection, there are two main kinds: Natural Selection and Artificial Selection. Within those two categories however there are other types of selection. 

Natural Selection includes the following 3 types:

-Stabilizing Selection, in which a phenotype within a population continues to dominate for future   generations.

-Disruptive Selection, in which extreme values for a trait are favored over intermediate values.

-Directional Selection, in which an extreme phenotype is favored over other phenotypes, causing the allele frequency to shift over time into the direction of that particular phenotype. 

Artificial Selection includes the following 2 types: 

-Methodical Selection, in which the artificial selection was intentional.

-Unconscious Selection, in which the artificial selection was unintentional.

In addition, selection can also fall into the following:

-Positive Frequency Dependent Selection, in which the fitness of a phenotype increases as it becomes more common.

-Negative Frequency Dependent Selection, in which the fitness of a phenotype decreases as it becomes more common.


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